
Domain Name Registration and Renewal Pricing

Domain Name 1 Year 2 Years £9.99 £19.98
.com £12.50 £25.00
.net £12.50 £25.00
.org £12.50 £25.00
.info £12.50 £25.00
.mobi £19.99 £39.98
.biz £12.50 £25.00
.eu £22.50 n/a £9.99 £19.98 £9.99 £19.98 £9.99 £19.98

All other Domain Extentions by request

Other Domain Name Charges

TAG Change (Move away) .uk No Charge
TAG Change (Move away) Other TLD £15.00
Nameserver Change on DNS only account £10.00

Note: DNS and Nameserver changes can take upto 24-48hr to register globaly

Hosting Charges

Package Monthly Annualy
Personal N/A £50.00
Group N/A £80.00
Organisation N/A £80.00
Business N/A £110.00
Custom POA POA

Other Charges

Service Monthly Annualy One Off Charge
DNS ONLY Hosting £1.00 £10.00 n/a
Custom DNS Entry n/a n/a £2.50
Restore Website from Backup

due to customer error

n/a n/a £35.00
Install CMS

or equivilent into your webspace ready for customer to use

n/a n/a £35.00

All Prices Exclude VAT

VAT Reg: 808408920